"It was so gorgeous it almost felt like sadness."B.Y


"...There she was my new best friend 
High heels in her hands, swaying' in the wind 
While she starts to cry, mascara running' down her little Bambi eyes: 

"Lana, how I hate those guys." 

This is what makes us girls 

We don't look for heaven and we put our love first 
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse 
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it 
This is what makes us girls 
We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first 
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him 
It's all gonna happen 

And that's where the beginning of the end begun 

Everybody knew that we had too much fun 
We were skipping' school and drinking' on the job 
with boss

Sweet sixteen and we had arrived 

Baby's table dancing' at the local dive 
Cheering our names in the pink spotlight 
Drinking' cherry schnapps in the velvet night 

Know we used to go break in 
To the hotel pool, glittering we'd swim 

Running' from the cops in our black bikini tops 

Screaming, "Get us while we're hot" 

This is what makes us girls 

We don't look for heaven and we put our love first 
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse 
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it 
This is what makes us girls 
We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first 
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him 
It's all gonna happen 

The prettiest crowd that you had ever seen 

Ribbons in our hair and our eyes gleamed mean 
A freshmen generation of degenerate beauty queens 
And you know something? 

They were the only friends I ever had 

We got into trouble and when stuff got bad 
I got sent away, I was waving on the train platform 

Crying 'cause I know I'm never coming' back...." 

L.Del Rey


اخرین تلاش تخمک برای خروج
از رحم


در نصف جهان باران می بارد

پدر گرام می گوید احساس خوشبختی می کند

و احتمالا این احساس احمقانه است


Perhaps its a better idea to shoot yourself and then walk away..

همه چیز اون موقع افتضاح می شه
که من برای خودم دل می سوزونم
سرم را ار روی کتابی که می خونم بلند می کنم
می بینم ساعت تازه پنج شده
و جز خوابیدن و پیاده روی 
و کتاب خوندن کار دیگه ای ندارم
بعد به خودم می گم
این تنهایی
اون تنهایی نیست که خودم بخوام
الان اون تنهایی هست
که من هیچ نقشی ندارم هیچ کجا
پیش هیچ کدومشون

هیچ کاراکتری نیستم

اول فقط می خواستم برگردم خونه
به بی قرار بودنم ادامه بدم
به شکلات خوردن زیادم
غرمی زدم شدید

اما درخت ها را دیدم
و جاده
و روستاها
و تپه ها را
خفه شدم

مجبور شدم به هیچی فکر نکنم
سرم را تکیه بدم
 به شیشه ی سردشده ی ماشین
و فقط خوشحال باشم


انعکاس مرد جوان در شیشه

و روز به پایان می رسد


''I kept thinking of him coming early to the university with two full cans of gasoline- probably not searched ,because he was a privileged war veteran.I see him going into an empty classroom and pouring gasoline over his head.Next he would have struck a match and slowly set fire to himself -did he light himself just once or several places? then he ran down the hall and burst into his classroom ,shouting "They betrayed us !They lied to us! Look at what they did to us!" and that was last of his rhetoric.
One did not have to agree with him or approve of him to understand his position.He had returned from a war where he belonged, to a university he had never been a part of.No one wanted to hear his stories.only his moment of death could spark interest.It was ironic that this man, whose life had been so determined by doctrinal certainty, would now gain so much complexity in death.' 

"Reading Lolita In Tehran" by A.Nafisi

P.S:my cousin,she is one of the best so far.


استاد مبانی نظری مرمت با پنبه سر می برد
می نشیند جلوی کلاس
با چشم های نرمش نگاه با محبت می اندازد
می گوید:خب عزیزان من!امروز
می خوام گردن تک تکتون را با تبر بزنم
نظرتون چی هست؟

جمیعا کل کلاس هماهنگ با هم نظر مثبت
خودشون را اعلام می کنند
ترجیحا من را بزن روی زمین

بشین روی شکمم

و از چپ و راست مشت بکوب توی صورتم



There is no sign of me in their lives...
not even an empty space...


بعد من به خودم گفتم

اشکالی نداره

اشکالی نداره

اشکالی نداره 

اشکالی نداره

اشکالی نداره

مهم نیست

حقیقتا فکر می کنم
این سرمایی که جدیدا حس می کنم
مال هوا نیست
یک جور سرمای درونی هست

زل می زنم توی دوربین های حراست دانشگاه

یعنی ناخوداگاه سر بالا می کنم

رو به دوربین

گفتم که بگم که گفته باشم


They are beautiful girls posing in beautiful pictures
 showing their sad lonely lives with their
 love a charming artistic boyfriend...

at least from where im standing...